Fuji FA-300, Rockwell Commander 700 & 710
In the early 1970s Fuji Heavy Industries developed this twin piston aircraft in Japan. It was designated Fuji FA-300. Soon they started a collaboration with Rockwell International, that named the aircraft Commander 700. While the first aircraft were built in Japan, the majority was built in series production by Rockwell as Commander 700. The Commander 710 was a Commander 700 with more powerful engines, of which just one was built.
The FA-300/RC700 is a sleek twin piston aircraft, with a long nose. Its cockpit windows are curved and include a small triangular side window. The three cabin windows are nearly square, but have a slight trapezium shape. The tail is of a cruciform configuration, with a long dorsal fin. Finally, the retractable gears all have single wheels. The main gear retracts forward in the nacelles.
Confusion possible with
Cessna 303 Crusader
Like the Commander 700 the Cessna Crusader has a cruciform tail, a single wheel gear and piston engines, but there are still significant differences. The Cessna larger, rectangular cabin windows in landscape mode. Also, the main gear retracts sideways in the wings.
Swearingen Merlin III
They look a lot like each other, but still the differences are big when you know them. The most obvious differences are the twin wheels on all gears and large rectangular cabin windows in landscape mode.
Beech Queen Air
The Beech Queen Air is comparable in size to the Commander 700. It has true square cabin windows. Also , the horizontal stabilisers are attached to the rear fuselage. Finally, the wheels of the main gear are placed on the other side of the struts.
Reims/Cessna F406
The Reims/Cessna F406 has a cruciform tail like the Commander 700, but with the horizontal stabilisers in a V shape (so with dihedral).. Also the cabin windows are rectangular, the main gear retracts sideways in the wings and the nose gear rearward. Other Cessna twins of the 400 serie have even fewer features in common.
Piper PA-31 Navajo/Cheyenne
Piper's entry in the utility twin aircraft class is easily distinguished from the Commander 700 by the larger rectangular cabin windows with rounded corners. Also, the PA-31 has a conventional tail and a gear that retracts differently.