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Blériot XI
Like many of its contempories the Blériot XI has a largely open frame fuselage with square cross section. The wings are curved, flat surfaces without ailerons or other flaps. They are braced by wires. The aircraft has no vertical fin, just a large rudder at the end of the fuselage.
The main characteristics of this twin vertical tail, twin engine fighter are the cropped delta shaped wings, wedge shaped air intakes at the side of the fuselage and bubble canopy. Distinctive compared to similar aircraft are the tops of the vertical stabilisers, with a sort of antennas pointing forward.
The outward tilted double vertical stabilisers of the Hornet are placed relatively far forward on the top fuselage, with long tail pipes extending beyond. Another distinctive feature are the leading edge root extentions of the wings, along the fuselage all the way up to the cockpit. The aircraft shows a large resemblance with the Northrop YF-17 Cobra, from which it was developed.
Boeing 100/P-12/F4B
The W-shaped struts between the upper and lower wings seem to be a key feature of the Boeing P-12/F4B fighter, as are the two double strings between the upper wings and the fuselage, near the gear attachment. The vertical fin is low, nearly a trapezium. It only comes with a radial piston engine.
Boeing 247
The first all-metal Boeing passenger aircraft is somewhat smaller than the famous Douglas DC-2/DC-3, but bigger than the Beech 18 and Lockheed 14 and 18. With all it shares the same external appearance, except for the tail. For easy recognition look for the single vertical stabiliser with its straight leading edge and curved trailing edge.
Boeing 40
This early Boeing aircraft has an open cockpit for the pilot, sitting behind the cabin. This cabin is behind the radial engine. Typical are the short wing struts between the lower wings and the forward fuselage.
The Boeing 707 has a lot of different versions, civil and military. Nearly all can be easily recognised by the antenna pointing forward at the top of the vertical stabiliser. Also they share the cockpit windows with two eyebrow windows on each side, and the V-shaped low edge of the side windows.
To recognise this trijet airliner with three engines at the rear fuselage and a T-tail you can look for the typical Boeing nose with two eyebrow windows, and the two wheels on each main landing gear leg. The other aircraft in this category have four or six wheels on the main landing gear.
To distinguish the second, third and fourth generation Boeing 737 from similar twin jets look at the cockpit windows: these are the same as or similar to that of the Boeing 707 and 727. The older versions still have the two "eyebrow" windows above the normal cockpit windows. These 737s have a large triangular dorsal fin.
The first generation Boeing 737 has long nacelles under the wings, extending before the leading edge and beyond the trailing edge. For the rest it has the typical Boeing 707/727/737 nose with eyebrow windows, and a tall tail with hardly a dorsal fin.