Identify by airplane characteristics








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Shanghai Y-10

One of the first jetliners built in China was this Boeing 707 clone, the Shanghai Y-10. Especially the shape of the fuselage, wings, landing gear and engine nacelles remind of the 707. However, the cockpit windows are different and the Y-10 has no antenna on top of the vertical stabiliser, that is so typical for the Boeing. (photo: Zangmingda/WikiMedia)

Sharp Nemesis NXT

The aircraft seem to be made for speed, and indeed it was built as a racing aircraft. Typical is that the fuselage of the Nemesis NXT becomes narrower the closer you get to the tail, which has a non-swept trapezium shape. The bubble canopy is behind the wings. It has a retractable gear with nearly rectangular main gear doors.

Shenyang FC-31

The Shenyang FC-31 is in appearance an F-22 with the air intake of the F-35. The main external difference are the round exhausts. Furthermore, the large, single nose gear door is a key feature. (photo: wc/WikiMedia)

Shin Meiwa PS-1/US-1/US-2

This is one of the largest modern amphibian aircraft. It has a cockpit area placed on top of the fuselage. Also typical are the short, but large dorsal fin and main landing gear retracting backward against the fuselage, turning ninety degrees in the process.

The Short Belfast is a large turboprop transport aircraft with as key features two rows of cockpit windows (of with the lower is interrupted), nacelles hanging below the wings and a short dorsal fin curving up to the vertical stabiliser's leading edge.

The square fuselage cross section makes the nickname flying shoebox quite fitting for the Short Skyvan. This fuselage is matched to braced, high mounted wings, an H-tail and a fixed landing gear with all single wheels. The engine nacelles are tiny.

The Shorts 330 has the same basic configuration as the earlier Skyvan, but is bigger, has a more pointed nose, has more cabin windows, bigger engine nacelles with exhausts on the side and a retractable landing gear. The main gear retracts in streamline pods next to the fuselage.

The stretched version of the Shorts 330 has a single vertical stabiliser, so it is more conventional than its predecessor. Still the main features are kept: the square fuselage cross section, the strut braced wings and the main landing gear retracting in streamline pods.

Short Sealand

The Sealand amphibian has typical rounded rectangular cabin windows. The wings are long and have rounded tips. The main gear retracts in the side of the fuselage, somewhat diagonally. Finally, it is equipped with inline piston engines.

SIAI Marchetti SF600 Canguro

The Canguro has long, non-tapered wings mated to a square cross section fuselage. It also has a fixed gear, sometimes with streamlined fairings over the wheels. The main gear has double wheels and is attached to small stubs at the bottom of the fuselage. (photo: Fsel55/WikiMedia)