Not having a distinctive tandem cockpit the MiG-AT is best recognised by its rounded rectangular air intakes and cruciform tail. The two engines are attached to the side of the fuselage (like the AIDC AT-3) and have visible exhaust pipes.
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Not having a distinctive tandem cockpit the MiG-AT is best recognised by its rounded rectangular air intakes and cruciform tail. The two engines are attached to the side of the fuselage (like the AIDC AT-3) and have visible exhaust pipes.
Similar to other Mignet designs of the Pou-du-Ciel family, the HM360 has one parasol wing and another wing highly staggered behind the cockpit, giving it a tandem wing configuration without horizontal stabilisers. The airplane has a short fuselage, a radial piston engine and folding wings.
The parasol wings of this airplane are attached to the fuselage by a single bar that has a triangular strut at the front and rear. Cables use to keep the rest together. Other typical features are the bat-like trailing edges of the tail surfaces and the wheels with spokes.
The inners wings of these MiGs have no dihedral, while the outer wings have. Seen from above, the wings have a trapezium shape, with rounded tips. The aircraft have inward retracting main gears. The canopy is quite close to the tail. (photo: Anna Zvereva/WikiMedia)
The MiG-15 and MiG-17 and their license-built versions have an air intake in the nose, split in half to guide the air at the sides of the cockpit. They also both have a typical cruciform tail, with the horizontal stabilisers above the middle of the vertical fin, a bubble canopy and highly swept wings through the fuselage.
The MiG-19 is clearly family of the MiG-15 and MiG-17, with an air intake in the nose without a shock cone and highly swept wings through the fuselage. The MiG-19 however has two engines and horizontal stabilisers attached to the rear fuselage.
The MiG-21 has very distinctive delta wings, compared to other aircraft in this category which have cropped delta wings. Also very markable is the air intake in the nose, with a large, pointy shock cone. It is similar in appearance as the Sukhoi Su-9. The latter has however a much smaller shock cone, and a bubble canopy.
The MiG-23 has variable sweep wings, mounted on top of the fuselage. The long, narrow air intakes are on the side of the fuselage. Compared to the similar MiG-27 the MiG-23 has a larger diameter nose.
The MiG-25 has wings with a high aspect ratio, more looking like swept wing, although the wing trailing edge is hardly swept. Also typical for the MiG-25 are the large diameter engines and the small canopy, tucked away in the fuselage. It has a twin wheel nose gear and single wheel main landing gear.
The MiG-29 has non-tilted wedge shaped air intakes underneath the forward fuselage, feeding two jet engines in the rear fuselage. There is a space between the air intakes, in between which the nose gear retracts. It has no center line fuselage stinger like the Su-27, non-titled vertical stabilisers and a non-drooping forward fuselage.