Identify by airplane characteristics








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Lockheed L-18 family

This aircraft comes in many versions, the civil Lodestar and the military B-34/B-37 bombers and PV-1/PV-2 patrol aircraft. They have essentially the same shape as the L-10, L-12 and L-14, but then bigger and with a mid-wing configuration instead of low wings.

Most elements of the Lockheed Electra turboprop transport aircraft are quite round: the fuselage, the nose and the vertical stabiliser particularly. The aircraft has eight cockpit windows, including a characteristic single eyebrow window on each side. It could well be confused with the Orion, which is a maritime patrol aircraft derived from the Electra.

The prototypes of the four engined Lockheed Jetstar only had two engines. This aircraft was designated L-329. Compared to the other aircraft with a cruciform tail and low, swept wings the large fuel tanks mounted on the wings are characteristic.

Lockheed mated the wings, tail and engines of the Electra turboprop with a new fuselage to create a maritime patrol aircraft. It could thus well be confused with the Electra. Look in particular for a different nose with six cockpit windows instead of eight, and of course the MAD antenna extending from the tail cone.

Lockheed P-38 Lightning

The unconventional shape of the P-38, with its twin tail booms extending form the engine nacelles, makes it more easily recognised than other WW2 fighters.

Lockheed P-80/F-80 Shooting Star & T-33 T-Bird

As one of the first jet fighters the P-80 (later F-80) Shooting Star has straight wings and a nicely curved vertical stabiliser. The air intakes are the main recognition points of the aircraft though. The T-33 T-Bird was the tandem cockpit trainer version of the P-80/F-80 and is shown on the photo above.

Lockheed P2V/P-2 Neptune

The Neptune maritime patrol aircraft is characterised by a cockpit then 'pops' out of the fuselage and has roof windows. Also the vertical stabiliser is typical: it is a triangle with a rounded top. Some versions have a jet engine under each wing.

Lockheed S-3 Viking

The Lockheed Viking was one of the largest aircraft based on board aircraft carriers. Its main task was anti-submarine warfare. The layout of the airplane is fairly standard, but still it is difficult to mistake the correct aircraft type. Look for the cockpit, no cabin windows, folding wings and tail hook, for example.

Lockheed U-2/TR-1

The U-2 can be regarded has a big, jet powered glider with its enormous wing span. The single engine in the rear is fed by big D-shaped intakes at the side of the fuselage, behind the canopy.

The name of this fighter aircraft is really appropriate when you look at the shape of the nose: it looks like that of a velociraptor. The shape contributes to the stealthiness of the aircraft, as do the parallel leading and trailing edges of the wings and stabilisers. Additionally, the F-22 has rectangular exhausts and outward tilted double vertical fins.