Identify by airplane characteristics








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Antonov An-2

As one of the largest single engine biplanes ever built, the Antonov An-2 and derivatives are quite easy to recognise. The wingspan of the upper wings is wider than that of the lower wings; they are connected by a single strut. The aircraft comes with piston and turboprop engines, which results in a different appearance. The Chinese version is the Nanchang Y-5.

Antonov An-22 Anteii

While the sound of the contra rotating propellers is already very characteristic, this does not help you recognise it when the engines are shut off. But otherwise the large size and H-tail are also good recognition points of the Antonov 22.

Once the biggest aircraft in the world, the Antonov An-225 is still impressive. It is an enlarged Antonov 124, with six engines and an H-tail. The main purpose was to carry the Russian space shuttle, the Buran. (photo: Gleb Osokin - Russian AviaPhoto Team/WkiMedia)

This Soviet designed family of turboprop aircraft has high wings and long main landing gear legs, retracting forward in the engine nacelles. While the An-24, An-26, An-30 and An-32 are quite different, they are all clearly derived from the same basic aircraft, the An-24. The Y-7 is the Chinese version of the aircraft, further developed in the MA60.

Like the Shorts Skyvan and An-14 the An‑28/M28 has a box shaped fuselage, strut-braced high wings, a fixed single wheel landing gear and an H-tail. The fuselage cross section is less square though and the non-tilted vertical stabilisers have five edges.

Antonov An-70

The An-70 was to be the successor of the An-12, but this has not (yet) materialised. It is a bit bigger than its predecessor with as clear recognition point the counter-rotating props. The front prop has eight curved blades, the aft prop six.

Antonov An-72/74

The jet engines of the Antonov An-72 and An-74 are placed on top of and before the wings. This makes the configuration unique and easy to recognise. Furthermore note the tandem main landing gear and significant anhedral of the wings.

The An-74TK-300 is essentially an An-74TK with relatively large engines under the wings instead of on top of them. So it still has the narrow fuselage with ramped up rear fuselage, and main gear with two pairs of single wheel legs. (photo: Rolf Wallner/WikiMedia)

Antonov An-8

This is the twin engine version of the much more familiar Antonov An-12. So it has the same glazed nose, outer wings with anhedral and a trapezium shape vertical stabiliser with large dorsal fin. (photo Felix Goetting/WikiMedia)

Atlas Cheetah & IAI Kir

South Africa and Israel created their own advanced fighter by significantly upgrading the Mirage III/V aircraft. As such the Atlas Cheetah and IAI Kfir look much like a Mirage, but with canards behind the air intakes.