Identify by airplane characteristics








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The Cessna 303 is one of the few small piston twins with a cruciform tail. Other features include a trailing link single wheel main gear that retracts sideways, curved cockpit windows after a long streamlined nose and three rounded rectangular cabin windows.

Cessna 305 (L-19/O-1) Bird Dog

The Bird Dog is a light observation aircraft based on the Cessna 170. It has a cabin that sits high above the nose and rear fuselage. The fuselage has a sort of V-shape, as it is wider at the top than the bottom. Other features are a rounded tail, a horizontally opposed piston engine and single strut braced wings and main gear.

Although this aircraft changed appearance through the years, all models have in common sleek looks, a sideward retracting main gear and tip tanks. The nose gear is close to the tip of the nose. The vertical stabiliser can be straight or swept, and the number of cabin windows also differs. 

The Cessna 340 (and 335, the non-pressurised version) can be easily mixed-up with aircraft of the Cessna 400 series. The general appearance is the same, the differences are in the details. The most obvious difference are the cockpit windows. The Cessna 335/340 has a single cockpit side window in a long D shape.  

Cessna 336/337 Skymaster

The Cessna Skymaster is quite easy to recognise, as no other aircraft in this class has a push-pull propeller configuration with engines in nose and rear of fuselage. Additionally, it has tail booms extending from the high wings, holding two vertical fins and a horizontal stabiliser in between.

Differentiating between most of the Cessna 400 series twins with oval cabin windows is quite hard, as most look very similar, as is the Cessna 340. However, when looking at details the main models can be recognised. The shape of the cockpit and cabin windows is the best way to recognise them from the Beech Queen/King Air and Piper PA-31.

These Cessna 400 series twins have rectangular instead of oval cabin windows, but for the rest they look very similar. Fortunately there are fewer subtypes. The shape of the cockpit and cabin windows is the best way to recognise them from the Beechcraft 65 and Piper PA-31.

The Cessna SkyCourier has a nearly square fuselage, that quickly tapers behind the large cargo door on the left side, aft of the strut braced wings. On top is a quite tall vertical stabiliser with T-tail. Finally, the aircraft has a fixed single wheel tricycle landing gear. All-in-all not difficult to recognise. (photo Textron Aviation Inc.)

The Cessna 441 looks like the Caravan II, but has smaller, more rounded cabin windows, which are still significantly different from the oval or rectangular ones on the other Cessna 400 series aircraft. Compared to the Caravan II the horizontal stabiliser is attached to the fuselage, instead of the vertical tailplane.

This is the original Cessna Citation series, having straight wings and cruciform tail plane. The horizontal stabilizer has a V shape, with a noticable dihedral. The cabin windows have a characteristic Citation shape: a vertical ellipse, with the top and bottom cut off. Also note the relatively large cockpit windows.