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Boeing PW-9/FB
These Boeing fighters have an inline piston engine and staggered upper and lower wings. The lower wings have a shorter span than the upper ones. They are braced in between at a single location (single bay). Typical is the straight trailing edge of the vertical fin/rudder.
Boeing YC-14
Like the Antonov An-72 the YC-14 STOL jet transport has engines in the wings' leading edges, blowing over the wings to increase the lift. Typical are the many triangular streamline bodies under the wings, for the trailing edge flaps. The nose has a similar shape as the Lockheed Hercules, although with less cockpit windows.
Boeing/Saab T-7 Red Hawk
The basic appearance of the Red Hawk is quite similar to that of the Scorpion, with its tandem canopy, air intakes under the wings and outward tilted vertical fins. The T-7 has a single jet engine though and swept wings. Typical is the location of the nose gear, quite a distance from the nose.
The Global series of large cabin business jets built by Bombardier are clearly a derivative of the Challenger series and Regional Jet series 100/200. This is especially visible when looking are the front of the fuselage as the cockpit windows and cabin windows are the same. However, the Globals have a different tail and engines with a single exhaust.
Boom Supersonic XB-1
The XB-1 acts as demonstrator for a supersonic airliner. It has delta wings, a triangular tail and three engines. Two engines are under the wings, next to the fuselage, and one is in the rear fuselage. All air intakes have a wedge shape and the inlet of the middle engine is on top of the fuselage, in front of the tail. (photo Boom Supersonic)
Bréguet 14
The main gear struts of the Bréguet 14 have a V shape and another strut in front. The wings are hardly staggered and hence the four struts between them are not swept. Most typical is the vertical stabiliser, with its rounded leading edge, curved inward at the root.
This purpose-built maritime patrol aircraft is easily recognisable by its 'double-bubble' fuselage, meaning an eight-shaped fuselage cross section. Other characteristics are the glass nose, MAD boom extending from the tail cone and long, slender engine nacelles.
Breguet Br19
While different versions can significantly differ, the Br19 variants have in common lower wings that have a smaller span than the upper wings. These wings are hardly staggered. The single or double struts between upper and lower wings are tilted about 45 degrees, when viewed from the front.
Brewster A-34/SB2A Buccaneer
The Brewster A-34/SB2A can be considered a failure, being overweight and underpowered by its radial piston engine. The aircraft has a rather long nose and long main landing gear legs, that retract inward in the wings. The crew sits under a long, multi framed canopy, which has two sliding parts, the rear one forward and the front one backward.
Bristol 170 Freighter
Designed specifically to transport cars across the Channel, the Bristol 170 Freighter has clamshell doors in the nose to facilitate loading. The cockpit is above the cargo bay, giving it a rather fat appearance at the front. This makes for an easily recognisable prop aircraft with a fixed, tail-wheel landing gear.