Farnborough F1, Kestrel JP10 & One Aviation Kestrel K-350
This is a low wing, single engine turboprop aircraft, with a conventional, low-mounted horizontal tail, with the engine in the nose of the aircraft. So it is in the class of the TBM series and Piper M Class. The key characteristics are the two curved cockpit windows and oval cabin windows, much like those of the Epic LT/Epic E1000, and the cabin door being after the third (and last) cabin window.
The original name of the aircraft was Farnborough F1. Later the project was moved from the United Kingdom to the United States and became Kestrel JP100 (briefly) and JP10. Finally, Kestrel Aircraft merged with Eclipse to form One Aviation. It is now known as the One Aviation K-350. One Aviation planned to fit the proof-of-concept aircraft with a TPE331 engine in place of the PT6A, but this has not happened so far.
To distinguish the F1/JP10/K-350 from the very similar Epic LT/E1000, look at the nose gear: at least the proof-of-concept Farnborough F1 has no nose gear doors. Also the space between the cockpit and cabin windows is larger.
Confusion possible with
Epic LT/E1000
You will immediately notice the many similarities in appearance between the Farnborough F1 and Epic LT (and E1000). The Epic LT has nose gear doors and smaller distance between the cockpit window and first cabin window. Also the cabin door is at the third of four cabin windows.
AVIC Leadair AG300
This is a spring off of the Epic LT/E1000 so they are very similar to each other and the Farnborough F1. The AG300 has three cabin windows, as has the F1, but the AG300 has a two piece door with the third cabin window in the upper part. So after all there is one obvious difference. (photo Xu Zheng/WikiMedia)
Falcon 402
When you put a single turboprop in the nose of a Cessna 402 you immediately get a look-a-like. However, the tip tanks, cockpit window and tail are still clearly original to the Cessna, and as such key feature for recognition. (photo Kevin Cleynhens)
The TBM-700 series have four cockpit windows and rectangular cabin windows. Other differences are more subtle.
Myasishchev M-101T Gzhel
This Russian single engine turboprop is more similar in appearance to the TBM series than the Farnborough F1. Even the cockpit side window looks much like that of the TBM. So it also has four cockpit window and rectangular cabin windows.
Piper PA-46 Malibu Meridian
The PA-46 Malibu Meridian (currently M Class) is Pipers entry in the single turboprop class. It can be distinguished from the Farnborough F1 mainly by the four cockpit windows, the larger, rectangular cabin windows (wider than high), but also by the air intake(s).
Comp-Air 12
This single engine turboprop has winglets, two large exhausts under the nose, four cockpit windows and a higher placed stabilo. That should be enough to avoid a mix-up with the Kestrel aircraft.