Embraer EMB110 Bandeirante
Brazil's first commercial airplane was a further development of the EMB100 prototypes, which look significantly different and are described separately. The EMB110 Bandeirante has seven cockpit windows with three characteristic rectangular ones at the front. The cabin windows are also rectangular, but with rounded top and bottom. The single main wheels retract in engine nacelles that look like short versions of the King Air 300's, so with pitot type intakes. The nose wheel has one wheel as well. The vertical stabiliser is quite tall with a nearly constant chord. In front is a small triangular dorsal fin.
The seven cockpit windows, of which the front three are nearly flat and rectangular, are one of the best recognition points of the Bandeirante.
The nacelles of the EMB110 look a bit like those of a King Air 300/350, but shorter. Also note the typical shape of the cabin windows, rounded at the top and bottom.
Different versions
The different versions of the Embraer Bandeirante can be identified by looking at:
- the length of the fuselage
- the number of cabin windows
- the presence of a large cargo door in the left rear fuselage
- the location of the main entrance door
- the location of emergency exits
- the presence of a ventral fin
- the presence of a radar nose
- the presence of sensors under nose and tail cone
- the presence of tip tanks
- the presence of three extra antennas on top of the fuselage
- the presence of a fairing for photo equipment underneath the fuselage
- the dihedral of the horizontal stabilisers
EMB110, EMB110C, EMB110C(N), EMB110E, EMB110F & EMB110E(J)
EMB110 is the official designation of the first Bandeirante version, while in Brazilian military service it is known as C-95. On the left side it has five cabin windows, then the entrance door and another small cabin window. On the right side are eight cabin windows.
While the standard EMB110 has up to twelve seats, the dedicated commuter version (EMB110C) can seat a maximum of sixteen passengers. The few EMB110C(N)s delivered to Chili have extra equipment for operations in cold weather. The EMB110E has fewer, but more luxurious seats, as it is the executive version. The EMB110E(J) as well, probably with a different interior design. Finally, the EMB110F was a single all cargo version, but with cabin windows. From the outside you cannot distinguish these versions.
Especially for the calibration of ground navigation equipment is the EMB110A, designated EC‑95 in military service. Apart from a different colour scheme it appears to be identical to the EMB110/C-95 on the outside.
The EC-95 was the first calibration aircraft based on the EMB110.
EMB110B, EMB110BI & EMB110B1
Underneath the fuselage, just after the wings, the EMB110B has a special housing for cameras. This makes it a photo mapping version of the EMB110. It has space for five passenger, while the EMB110BI can seat nine. The EMB110B1 is a quick change version of the EMB110B, in which the photo equipment can be removed (but the fairing underneath the fuselage not) and replaced by fourteen seats. The Brazilian military designation is R-95.
EMB110K1, EMB110P, EMB110P1, EMB110P1/41 & EMB110P1K
These are all versions of the Bandeirante with a longer fuselage and a large cargo door in the left rear fuselage. The main entrance door is now in front of the wings. It contains a cabin window. Five cabin windows follow on the left side and on the right side there are nine cabin windows. Finally, these variants have a ventral fin.
EMB110K1 is the Embraer model name for the military version that is known as C-95A in the Brazilian air force. See the photo at the top to see how it looks. EMB110P and EMB110P1 are the civil commuter versions of the same aircraft, of which the P1 has a quick change interior. The /41 version is certified according to SFAR Part 41 regulations and has a higher maximum take-off weight (MTOW).
The quick change interior is also the key feature of the C-95B of the Brazilian air force, officially known as EMB110P1K. Another military version is the EC-95B, used for calibration of navigation aids. It has three additional antennas on top of the fuselage. Later it was designated IC-95B.
The EMB110P1was one of the main commuter versions of the Bandeirante. Note the large cargo door behind the wings.
IC-95B was the designation for the second generation calibration Bandeirante. It has three separated antennas on top of the fuselage. (photo: Aeroprints/WikiMedia)
A special search and rescue (SAR) version of the EMB110P1K is designated EMB110P1SAR by Embraer and SC-95B by the Brazilian military. It still has the large cargo door but in it is a spherical observation window.
The SC-95B is the SAR variant of the Brazilian air force, with an observation window in the large cargo door.
While there was already a dedicated commuter version of the Bandeirante, the EMB110, it was limited to fifteen passengers even though more would fit. The EMB110P has an additional emergency exit of the left side, above the wing, to allow more passengers to be carried.
An EMB110P is a high capacity commuter version of the short body Bandeirante. It has an additional emergency exit on the left, visible here by the painted contour. (photo: Flickr user Shawn/WikiMedia)
EMB110P2 & EMB110P2/41
This is another dedicated commuter version with a long fuselage. Compared to the EMB110P1 is has no large cargo door, but only the airstair doors remains. Also the smaller last cabin window is back. The /41 version is certified according to SFAR Part 41 regulation, with a higher MTOW.
Thanks to the painted contour of the rear door you can easily see that the large cargo door is missing on the EMB110P2.
EMB110P1A & EMB110P2A
The A subtypes are the same as the non A types, except for the horizontal stabilisers. These have a dihedral of ten degrees. Both have a /41 subtype as well, certified according to SFAR Part 41 regulations and with a higher maximum take-off weight. The Brazilian air force version of the EMB110P1A is designated C-95C, with C-95CM as upgraded version (probably with new avionics).
A special version is the EC-95C (later re-designated IC-95C), which the Brazilian air force used to calibrate navigation beacons. It has the horizontal stabilisers with dihedral and extra antennas on top of the fuselage like the EC-95 and EC-95B.
This EMB110P1A has been converted to a full cargo aircraft, but you can still see the key features of this type: the large cargo door and horizontal stabilisers with dihedral.
On top of the fuselage, roughly in the middle, you can see three extra antennas, characteristic for the EC-95. The long fuselage and stabilo with dihedral make it an EC-95C.
The EMB110 proved to be a suitable platform for all sorts of tasks, including geophysical survey. The main external feature of the resulting EMB110S1 is a MAD boom sticking out of the tail cone. For the rest it is the same as the EMB110, so with a short fuselage.
The EMB110S1 has has a boom extending from its tail cone. This is the main recognition point.
EMB111, EMB111A & EMB111AN
Based on the EMB110 Embraer made a maritime patrol version of the Bandeirante, the EMB111 Bandeirante Patrulha (sometime shortened to "Bandeirulha"). Compared to the EMB110 it has tip tanks, a radar nose, pylons under the wings, a ventral fin and search light in the right wing leading edge. The EMB111A is likely an improved version, with the EMB111AN going to Chili. The difference between the models may be sensors under the nose and tail cone, which EMB111 hasn't.
The Brazilian air force uses designations P-95 and P-95A, which are possibly associated with these different models, but we don't know for sure.
While it is missing parts due to maintenance, this is unmistakenly a Bandeirulha with its radar nose and tip tanks. The Brazilian military designation is P-95A.
On this complete P-95A you can see additional sensors under the radar nose and tail cone, probably characteristic for the EMB111A and P-95A. (photo: Renato Spilimbergo Carvalho/WikiMedia)
P-95B & P-95BM
This maritime patrol version is an upgrade of the P-95A. The most important external difference is the ten degrees dihedral of the horizontal stabiliser, like that of the EMB110P1A and P2A. P-95BM has a modernised cockpit.
The P-95B is still a short Bandeirante Patrulha, but with the horizontal stabiliser of the EMB110P1A/P2A.
Confusion possible with
Embraer EMB100
This was the development aircraft which eventually evolved into the EMB110 Bandeirante. Obviously the general lines are clearly visible in the EMB100, but it has round cabin windows and other cockpit windows as most prominent differences.
Beech 99
The Beech 99 the closest competitor of the EMB110, being similar in size, purpose and non pressurised. It however has square, non rounded cabin windows, a rearward retracting nose gear and double wheel main gear.
Swearingen/Fairchild Metroliner
The Metroliner has a long, slender fuselage with rectangular cabin windows, portrait oriented. The tail has a cruciform configuration and all gears have double wheels. Still the cockpit windows and general shape may cause a mixup with the Bandeirante.
Beech 100 King Air
This King Air model is more similar to the Beech 99 than the EMB110. Moreover it has round cabin windows.