Bell 429 GlobalRanger
In the Bell 429 you can still see in the external appearance that it is a direct descendant from the Bell 206 JetRanger. Even the name, GlobalRanger, refers to that. The Bell 429 is characterised most by its curved fuselage contours, in particular the bottom of the fuselage, from the nose until the tail boom. Also, the frame of the cockpit entry door is typically curved. Finally, the helicopter has a large curved gear box/engine housing. This has long, narrow air intakes at the sides and small exhausts at the rear. The short tail boom ends with a long vertical fin up and down with a two blade tail rotor on the left. The vertical fin seems to have a cut out of the trailing edge. In front are horizontal stabilisers with swept end plates. The lower part is larger than the upper part. Most Bell 429s have been equipped with a skid gear, but there are also examples having an all single wheel retractable gear. Then the Bell 429 has small stubs. Finally, the Bell 429 has four blade main rotor.
Confusion possible with
Bell 427
The Bell 429 is a development of the Bell 427 pictured here. The Bell 427 already has the large curved gear box/engine housing, and the tail area is also quite similar. The Bell 427 however has a fuselage more like that of the Bell 407, so less curves. Finally, the exhaust pipes are larger. (photo: Marek Vanzura/WikiMedia)
Bell 400 TwinRanger
The rounded fuselage is also a characteristic of the Bell 400 TwinRanger, although the windows still look more similar to those of the Bell 206L. Additionally, the Bell 400 has a shrouded two blade tail rotor.
You could describe the AVIC AC332 as a Bell 429 with the tail of the Eurocopter EC135, including the fenestron. Indeed, the fuselages are quite similar, although with less curves. Obviously, the shrouded tail rotor is the main difference between the Bell and the AVIC. (photo: Z3144228/WikiMedia)
Bell 430
In some ways the Bell 430 could be mistakes for a Bell 429, even though the 430 has a retractable wheel gear, sponsons at the side of the fuselage and not the curves of the 429. The similar Bell 222 and 230 sometimes have a skid gear, but also a two blade main rotor.
HAL Dhruv
The Dhruv has the same general appearance as the Bell, but is in many ways different. Most obvious it the four blade tail rotor, mounted high on the right side of the vertical stabiliser. Also, the end plates on the horizontal stabilisers have a negative sweep angle at the lower part. FInally, the Dhruv lacks the typical curved fuselage of the Bell 429. (photo: Alan Lebeda/WikiMedia)